Join in a Professionally Qualified Role
Being a Specialist in the Army
There are some roles in the Army that we need to fill with people who already have civilian qualifications in their chosen field – giving you the chance to combine the opportunity and adventures of being in the Army with carrying out a specialist role.
We also recruit people who don't have the qualifications yet, but would like to train through the Army. Many specialist roles are on a higher pay scale.
If you already have specialist skills that the Army needs, you could be offered a golden hello – this is extra money that you’ll receive once you’ve completed your training.
If you’re looking to train as a specialist, there are lots of roles where the Army will pay for your training, or award you a bursary while you study.
You may have to take part in specific selection events, for example an audition, as part of your application to make sure that your skills match our needs.
To find out if you’re eligible, visit the roles to find out more.
Explore All Our Specialist Roles

Financial Help
There are bursary and scholarships available to those planning on joining as an Officer.
Bursaries & Scholarships