Day to day

You'll normally work 8am to about 5pm, Monday to Friday.

If you're a soldier you'll usually be working on your base using your trade skills or developing new ones. Officers will usually spend time with their soldiers, as well as building on their leadership skills.

When you're on exercise or operations you'll be away from your routine life. Operations can last up to six months and you're usually given plenty of notice.

Army Life


Being in the Army doesn't only give you a job, it gives you a home too. From the moment you start training, you'll be given somewhere to live. This will be with other people on your course. You'll have more options when you leave to join your regiment, including a family home for you, your partner and children if you need it.

You'll have plenty of free time - most days you'll finish work and will be able to spend your evenings however you like. You'll be able to take advantage of facilities on camp or leave the base to spend time in the local area. Most of the time, you're able to go away at the weekend too if you want - as long as you're back in time for work on Monday.

Best experienced with headphones

Activate Sound

When you're on camp you'll often eat in the 'scoff house', or mess.

Food hall

Keeping well fed

Daily life wherever you are in the Army revolves around fitness, training and flexibility.

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