Assessment Centre: Soldiers
What happens at Assessment Centre
Starts with some basic admin and a welcome talk on arrival
Medical and take the cognitive tests. Next it'll be the physical tests including the beep test, followed by team tasks.
Finally you'll have a career discussion with one of the team based on your performance over your stay
The Medical
You will be seen by a Doctor to check that you are healthy enough to take part, and to join the Army. The tests will not hurt you and don't involve taking blood or the use of needles.
You will have a full assessment, which will include looking at your past medical history, your current health and a top-to-toe medical examination along with some other tests. This means that you will be asked to undress down to your underwear for the examination.
Although some of your medical records have been considered already a ‘Pass’ outcome is not guaranteed until the doctor has fully considered both your medical records and a face-to-face consultation with you.
In some cases further information, referral or consideration by the senior Army Doctor in charge of recruiting is needed after your medical to ensure that the correct decision is made about you.

Ability Tests (Army Cognitive Test (Verifier))
Taken on a computer, this is designed to measure your soldier potential. Everybody takes this series of five tests. Your score determines which jobs you can go for.
Literacy and Numeracy Test
If you don't have A - C/9 - 4 grade GCSEs (or equivalent) in Maths or English you'll need to sit this test.
You'll be asked to take part in three different tests. The standard you need to meet is different depending on which role you're hoping to join. The Assessors will be watching to see how much effort you put in.
The Mid-Thigh Pull
Standing in front of a bar set to mid-thigh height you'll be asked to pull the bar upwards for 5 seconds, then rest and repeat.
Medicine Ball Throw
Sitting with your back against a wall, you'll throw a 4kg medicine ball as far as you can.
Multistage Fitness Test (beep test)
Run between two lines 20m apart, keeping up with a beep which gets faster with time.