Your Day Job
The role has really helped develop my leadership and problem-solving skills, which are skills I can transfer to life outside of the Army.

Recognising the benefits of accelerated training, development and the experience it brings, many employers are extremely supportive of the Army Reserve.
You will need to tell your employer that you are a member of the Army Reserve. The Army, as part of the Ministry of Defence works with employers to help make sure that you’ll be treated fairly and not suffer because of your commitment. In fact, many employers find that the skills Reservists bring to the workplace are a great benefit to their business.
Asking for time off
This is up to your employer – though many companies in the UK have signed the Armed Forces Covenant, which shows that they support the Armed Forces.
See if your company is part of this scheme by searching the signed pledges. This will include details like how many paid days leave you will be given for military commitments.
Over 600 companies ( as Dec 22) now provide up to 10 days paid leave for employees to attend Reserve training.
Best experienced with headphones
Activate Sound
Listen to the sound of soldiers getting ready to head out on exercise.